Phoenix & Priors

The Phoenix Centre is a re-abolement service for adults who have physical disabilities and associated complex needs from birth or due to an accident or stroke. Priors Day Service is a service for Adults with Learning Disabilities who may also have other needs that need to be met such as Mental Health Issues / Physical disabilities.

Both of these day opportunities facilities are provided by Slough Borough Council Adult Social Services, supporting users with learning disabilities in community engagement and skills development and allowing their Carers breaks from their caring roles.

The intention for the buildings from which the Day Centres operate is that they will be accessed by service users with complex needs, whilst more able service users are supported to access activities within the Community and bring the buildings in line with latest Fire Legislation and Health and Safety Legislation. Arc Group refurbished both facilities in order to make the buildings more accessible and aesthetically pleasing to users as well as improve energy efficiency. In addition, we constructed new single storey extensions at Priors Day Service.

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